
Supporting CIMEE20

The International Symposium on Materials, Electrochemistry and Environment(CIMEE20) is a biannual event that brings scientists and engineers from academia and industry together to share the newest research ideas and findings in the field of Materials, Electrochemistry, Analytical chemistry, Agrochemistry, and Geochemistry, from fundamentals to applications and their related technologies. You are invited to participate in Third International Symposium on Materials, Electrochemistry and Environment, CIMEE20 as a sponsor and/or exhibitor. Over 100 attendees are expected to attend the Symposium with a mix of established world experts, early and mid-career researchers and students.

The International Symposium will be held from 17th-19th September 2020. Your participation and support of the conference is greatly valued and we thank you for your consideration.

We sincerely hope you will be interested to become partner of this major international event.

On behalf of the local organising committee,

Support of the symposium will provide your organisation with a number of key benefits:

„ Exposure to a qualified, relevant and influential audience before, during and after the event.

„ Multiple networking opportunities during the conference to promote your organisation’s products and services directly to key decision makers.

„ Increase and consolidate your brand exposure as a keen and vital supporter of Materials science, electrochemistry and Environmental analytical chemistry in Middle east, the Asia region and Internationally.

„ Supporters of the conference will consolidate existing industry relationships and develop new ones.

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To promote and advertise your company we have a number of interesting packages available for you at competitive prices. Please send an email cimee16@ul.edu.b for further details.