Agenda is available
AQUACYCLE’s Final Conference in Lebanon
AQUACYCLE’s Final Conference will be hosted by the Lebanese University at the Chamber of Commerce of Tripoli, Lebanon during 23-24 June 2023,
AQUACYCLE invites water stakeholders to join Final Conference
The event is themed “Transforming the Mediterranean through Eco-Innovative Water Recycling and Reuse”
The Final Conference is being organized as a hybrid event, enabling participation in person or online. Participation is free of charge, but prior registration is mandatory
Eighth Project Meeting, 24 February 2023, Meeting hosted by CIEMAT/PSA. Motto for meeting: Towards boosting cross-border know-how transfer
A great pleasure to be with in this meeting held in Spain: PSA-CIEMAT, Plataforma Solar de Almería Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas Almeria,
AQUACYCLE builds synergies among water-related EU funded research projects in Lebanon. An awareness raising workshop was held on 12/05/2022 in Lebanon and brought together the promoters of the 3 EU funded research projects in Lebanon
The Faculty of Public Health and the Doctoral School of Science and Technology at the Lebanese University (UL) in the AQUACYCLE partnership are pleased to announce the second series of workshops with Lebanese stakeholders, under the theme “Have your say in the development of action plans for the reuse of treated wastewater”.
AQUACYCLE: Workshop on Wastewater treatment and regeneration.
workshop on Wastewater treatment and regeneration was mainly addressed to researchers and development experts on wastewater treatment. The scope of the event focused on the evaluation of the efficiency of different technologies to meet the new EU Regulation on Minimum Requirements for Water Reuse.The AQUACYCLE Partnership was represented at the Workshop by Dr. Isabel Oller, Head of Solar Treatment of Water Unit (Plataforma Solar de Almería, CIEMAT-PSA), who presented the latest results achieved with AQUACYCLE’s eco-innovative wastewater treatment system and by Pedro Simón, Technical Director at the Regional Entity for Wastewater Sanitation and Treatment in Murcia (ESAMUR), who spoke about the treatment and reuse of wastewater in the region of Murcia.
An awareness raising workshop was held on 12/05/2022 in Lebanon and brought together the promoters of the 3 EU funded research projects in Lebanon