Dear Colleagues,
The Third International Symposium on Materials, Electrochemistry and Environment (CIMEE20) is organized by academics and researchers belonging to different scientific areas of the Lebanese University and several universities in North Africa with the financial support of AUF.
Our objective is to create an international forum for academics, researchers and scientists from worldwide to discuss worldwide results and proposals regarding to the soundest issues related to Materials, Electrochemistry and Environment.
This event will include the participation of renowned keynote speakers, oral presentations, Special sessions, posters sessions and technical conferences related to the topics dealt with in the Scientific Program as well as an attractive cultural program.
The accepted papers will be published in the Abstracts Book of the Conference. Those communications considered of having enough quality could be further considered for publication in partners Journals.
Finally, on behalf of the Organizing Committee, I would like to invite all the Scientific Community to participate in this Event, presenting papers or communications related to any of the proposed topics.
Looking forward to welcoming you in Beirut!
Yours sincerely,
Organizing Committee,
Oral or Poster Sessions bring you an excellent opportunity to disseminate your research. We request you to submit an abstract of your talk/poster presentation according to the guidelines
Please send an e-mail to: cimee16@ul.edu.lb . with your abstract before the deadline.
1.1. Nanomaterials, Nanostructures & Environment.
1.2. Advanced materials & Electrospun nanofibers
1.3. Materials sciences & environment management (water, wastewater and solid waste)
2.1. Electrochemistry for the Environment
2.2. Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry (Sensors/biosensors)
2.3. Organic electrochemistry & Bioelectrochemistry
3.1. Physico -Chemical analysis and Environment
3.2. Air quality, Pesticides & environmental monitoring,
3.3. Bioremediation & Phytoremediation of Pollutants.
4.1. Agri-Geoenvironment & Geomaterials
4.2. Biomaterials, Waste & biomass valorization
4.3 Agri-materials, & Environmental Geochemistry
The conference is soliciting state-of-the-art research papers/Abstracts in different scientific fields related to Chemistry and Sustainable Environment.
Registration Instruction: If you’re interested in the conference, you could choose to register as author, presenter or listener to attend the conference.
Abstract Submission Instructions:
Abstracts should be prepared according to the Abstract Instructions below;
Abstracts must be submitted as DOC/DOCX file;
Do not forget to register yourself as participant. Download Abstract registration Form Abstract submission Form CIMEE20
Abstract submission deadline: July 31th 2020
Abstract Instructions:
The abstract must not exceed one A4 page;
Include references and contact email.
Here you can download your Abstract Template Template Abstract CIMEE20
Please send an e-mail to: cimee16@ul.edu.lb . with your abstract and abstract submissions Form before the deadline.