Journal Special Issues
Papers presented at the CIMEE22 conference are eligible for submission to a special issue of the partner journals after the conference. The details of the submission procedures will be given during the conference. The review process and submission process will start in March 2022.
Prospective authors are invited to submit original papers (5-6 pages PDF version following the template available in the given link) to CIMEE 2022
We welcome submissions from industry and across academic fields that reflect conference topic areas and aim at the one of conference theme tracks. Submitted papers should satisfy the following criteria and must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. The Technical Program Committee reserves the right of not reviewing a paper that either does not follow the given specification
Submitting Your Manuscript
CIMEE welcomes submissions in all scientific disciplines from researchers worldwide. Information on submitting your manuscript is included below. Please contact us at cimee16@ul.edu.lb if you have any questions about the submission process.
Before submitting your manuscript for peer review, you are kindly requested to do the following:
Abstract submission
Abstract submission is necessary if you want to give a presentation during the Conference. Besides, only authors with an accepted abstract are invited to upload a full paper.
The abstract should be submitted in doc(x) or pdf format without any author information in the document. It should be no longer than one page.
All abstracts are reviewed following a double-blind review process. Please ensure that author information is not provided in the abstract document. The notification about acceptance/rejection will be sent to the corresponding author.
Note, that at least one author of the submission must register to the Conference and present the paper during the Conference. Otherwise, the submission will not be included in the Conference Program.
Full paper submission
1. The manuscript should be written in English including tables, figures and equations
2. Only original papers will be considered, the manuscripts must not be previously published or accepted for publication elsewhere. must not be under review by any other conference or publication during the review cycle.
3. The research topic of the manuscript should fall into the conference scopes (refer to the 2nd Announcement CIMEE22)
4. The accepted paper limits are 5-6 pages including all figures, tables, references, and acknowledgement.
5. After you receive notification that your abstract is accepted, you are welcome to submit a full paper. By providing the full paper, you will receive feedback from two reviewers. You will have a possibility to decide whether you want that your paper would be considered for publication in Conference Proceedings or Special Issues. However, it is necessary that at least one author of the submission register to the Conference and present the paper during the Conference. Otherwise, the paper review process will not be arranged and the submission will not be included into the Conference Program.
Note, that abstract acceptance does not necessarily mean that your full paper is automatically accepted for publication. The Editor leaves the right to reject the paper if it does not fit with the scope and requirements of Conference Proceedings or Special Issues.
Ensure that you have your ABSTRACT SUBMISSION number, as you will need it to complete the upload of your full paper. The abstract submission number is in the abstract acceptance letter that is sent to the corresponding author email address.
Submission Method and Template
Authors are invited to submit abstract/full paper
You can submit your paper/abstract to our conference email cimee16@ul.edu.lb
The authors’ name, affiliation and other personal information don’t have to be covered, when you submit your manuscript, we will cover or remove them before reviewing processes.
After submission, your mailbox will receive our confirmation letter within 3 working days, if no response due time, please check your spam folder or send us email cimee16@ul.edu.lb.
For detailed paper format information, please down here: Full Paper Template and Abstract Template
Publication Policies
We require transfer of copyright for all our publications, including conference proceedings. This allows us to distribute publications throughout the world by print and electronic means, to create translations and reuse them in reprint collections.
Papers will be reviewed on the basis that they do not contain plagiarized material and have not been submitted to any other conference at the same time (multiple submission). We expect authors to credit all sources used in their writings and not to represent work of others as their own. Authors found to have plagiarized the work of another are subject to having their paper removed from the conference program. Future submissions from authors found to have plagiarized will be scrutinized carefully. In the case of students found to be plagiarizing the work of others, CIMEE may inform the student’s university.

Dear Authors,
Dear CIMEE20 participants,
We would like to express, above all, our sincere gratitude and most sincere thanks to all the authors for the excellent work you have provided in this International Symposium. We appreciated the diligence and professional conscience with which you accompanied us in this process.
Publishing in an internationally renowned journal offers a better means of providing evidence of the scientific visibility of research. On the other hand, the publication of the research paper is important for the dissemination of knowledge and science and the best way to show the hard work to the international community is its publication. The Steps of Writing and Publishing Research work is proof of authentication, reliability of results and people will know how well the scientific community has excelled in a particular subject and Topic.
All of the manuscripts submitted to the Scientific Committee of the CIMEE20 International Symposium were evaluated by the members of the appointed committee and here are the selection results:
CIMEE20 Committee | Scientific committee | Technical program Committee | Advisory and review committee |
number of Manuscripts selected | 11 | 7 | 4 |
I would like, on behalf of the Scientific Committee, and on my own behalf, to express our sincere thanks to Dr. Khélifi, N., Senior Publishing Editor at Springer, Africa (MENA) region
I would also like to express my gratitude to all colleagues at the Journal and particularly to Professor Chehimi M.M., Executive Editor-in-Chief of Chemistry Africa (Springer Nature) for his commitment to continue this work for more than three months in reviewing and publishing the best manuscripts.
And it is with great satisfaction that we have recorded unprecedented interest from all the members of the Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee who have worked in all stages of the selection of quality manuscripts.
We will always be at the service of all researchers in the world to welcome their research work and the presentation of their oral communication at the next edition of the International CIMEE22 colloquium as well as the publication of their scientific work in the best journals.
Yours sincerely

Dear Author,
Thank you for your interest in submitting an abstract for the Third International Symposium, CIMEE’20, to be held 17-19 September 2020 in Lebanon.
We are pleased to inform you that the program and abstract book of the third international symposium CIMEE20 is now available in PDF Format.
Download the program and Abstract Book CIMEE20
Thank You to our Conference Attendees
Dear Participants,
On behalf of the Scientific committee, advisory and review committee and organizing committee, we want to thank you for attending the Third International Symposium organizing by the Lebanese university under the theme: innovative chemistry for sustainable environmental remediation.
I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to each of you who participated in this Event
Thank you for your participation in the conference, which was very successful with a large number of participants from 17 countries. We would like to thank you for your cooperation during this International Event
We have had three very rewarding days, filled with interesting sessions, poster and oral presentations, as well as a Keynote lectures. We have had many interesting discussions with colleagues all over the world, and we hope you have as well.
Thank you for your active participation and inputs. Thank everyone for bringing their expertise and experience around the roundtable and engaging in such fruitful.
We thank you in advance for your comments and suggestions and we assure you that each will be given consideration so that future conferences and events will be even more of a success
Hope to see you all again in the next Edition CIMEE22
Organizing Committee Chair
Final report of the Third International Symposium on Materials, Electrochemistry and Environment is now available
The CIMEE20 Scientific committee, advisory and review committee has put together the full report of the conference. Please download and circulate this full report to partners and interlocutors within and outside of the Scientific and researcher’s network.
Download the Final report of the Third International Symposium, CIMEE20, here : Final-Report-of-the-Symposium-CIMEE20-A-2Download
The CIMEE20 organizing committee is pleased to announce that the deadline for abstract submission has been extended until August 31th, 2020. Due to many requests from authors for an extension, the conference organizing committee has agreed to revisit the timeline
Submission & Registration
To facilitate the submission process, please consider the following guidelines, information and deadlines mentioned.
Notes to authors who wish to submit an Abstract or paper for CIMEE20. Presenting Authors are requested to submit an abstract for review according to the guidelines set out below.
- Please download the Abstract Template Template Abstract CIMEE20 and follow the instructions.
- Please Send the Abstract submission Form CIMEE20 together with the Abstract. Click here to submit the Abstract Submission Form
- Submit before the Submission Deadline in order to benefit the early Bird Rates
Once completed, please email to: to cimee16@ul.edu.lb and indicate whether you would like to give an ORAL or POSTER presentation.
Abstract Structure
The maximum word limit for the abstract is 300 words.
Please download the Abstract Template and follow the format carefully.
Your submission should be submitted in English or French.
We encourage you to send informative abstract (complete abstract) which is a compendious summary of a paper’s substance including its background, purpose, methodology, results, and conclusion
Please download the Abstract Submission form and send it with the Abstract.
The Committee will endeavor to schedule abstracts according to authors’ preferences but reserves the right to decide on the final form of presentation.
Authors will be notified of the abstract acceptance/rejection no later than June 30, 2020. Please contact the Secretariat if you have not received this confirmation email.
All abstracts will be forwarded to the Committee for review. Notifications regarding status will be sent once the review process is complete.
For the abstract submission, please use the provided template only (Abstract template).
All abstracts must be submitted and presented in English or French with a quality of spelling and grammar suitable for publication.
Each abstract should be a maximum of one page, A4 format, including figures and references and exactly conform to the format of the template provided above.
Abstracts must be original and must not be or have been published in a scientific journal prior to CIMEE20
Use the editable template by clicking on the section you would like to fill in and start your typing or overwriting. This ensures that all your data is in the correct format. Please do not remove the format outlined in the template; abstracts that are different from the format will be returned to authors for revision. If you would like to insert a graphic, insert it in the text box provided, with an appropriate figure caption. All abstracts must fit entirely in one page. Be sure to underline the presenting author. The presenting (underlined) author must be registered to the Symposium.
Presenters will be asked to be available to answer questions during a dedicated poster viewing time.
There is a limit of one abstract per registered presenting author only. The presenting author must attend the symposium and be available to give the oral presentation or to present the poster.
Click here to download the Guidelines Abst sub Guidlines CIMEE20
It is a condition of acceptance of your presentation that: (1) at least one of the authors must present the paper (oral/poster/short-oral&poster) at the conference, and (2) the presenting author must make advance author registration with full remittance before October, 2019 otherwise the Organizing Committee will neither be able to include the paper in the final program for presentation, nor the abstract be included in the special issue.
- Early Registration is strongly recommended. All participants must be registered with the plan offered by the Symposium,
- For presenting authors, once the abstract is accepted, registration must follow prior to the early bird registration deadline (August 2020). Your understanding and cooperation in this matter will be greatly appreciated.
Registration Fees Include Full registration to the conference includes: Access to the conference, Symposium Abstract Book, Program, Welcome Reception.
CIMEE20 participants will have the opportunity to participate in one of the most progressive conference experiences in the field with many career development opportunities specially designed by the conference Research and Planning Division along with the Conference Committee Members.
Download the CIMEE20 Registration Benefits Click here to download Registration Benefits cimee20 p
The Call for Papers is now open for the third International Symposium CIMEE20
Papers for the Symposium may be written in English. To enable a broader selection of referees, authors are encouraged to submit papers in English.
Authors are kindly asked to observe the following technical instructions:
− Paper length, including text, tables, graphs, figures and abstract should not exceed 6 pages. Plenary lectures should not be longer than 7 pages.
− Margins 3.0 cm left, 2.5 cm top, bottom and right. Authors are advised to make the maximum of the offered 5 pages, which will contribute to the quality of the paper and the Proceedings. Single spacing and justified alignment. Left alignment should be applied for the title, list of authors and subtitles. Use hanging indent (0.5 cm) for the list of references. Pages are not numbered.
− Texts should be written in Microsoft Word for Windows, version 6.0 or higher, font Times New Roman, size 12 points. Titles should be written in bold lowercase letters, font size 14 points. Authors (full names and surnames) size 12 points, addresses size 11 points italic. Subtitles lowercase, bold, size 12 points. Use solely empty lines for line spacing (size 12 points): before subtitles, between the title and the list of authors, between authors’ names and addresses, before table titles and after tables. Start of a section/paragraph in text should not be indented by the tabulator; paragraphs should be separated using the enter key.
− Papers should contain the title, list of authors (in one line), authors’ addresses (1 line for each address), abstract, keywords, introduction, material and methods, results and discussion, conclusions and references.
− Full names and surnames of authors are written without titles. If all authors are not from the same institution, this should be marked by superscripts. Only for the contact person, E-mail should be added to the full address. As the Symposium has an international character, names of countries should be added to the addresses.
− Abstracts contain the aim of the paper, essential research results and a brief conclusion. The authors are advised to make their abstracts short (700 characters, including spaces). Not more than five keywords should be given, separated by commas.
− Tables (table width from the left to the right margin), graphs and photographs (black and white, with high resolution) must be incorporated into text. Numbers and titles of tables should be written above the tables. Table contents should be separated by a minimum set of horizontal lines (0.5 points). Illustrations and graphs are also numbered, with the numbers written below graphs.
For reliable printing, graphs and illustrations should be submitted in one of the graphical or image formats (*.xls, *tif or *.jpg), solely in black and white rendition.
− References should contain only used literature, in alphabetical order.
− Journal articles should be cited as shown in the following example: Samanth A. (2010). Title. Full name of the journal. Volume (No.): pages
Papers will be reviewed by two referees from relevant fields.
Papers not written according to the technical instruction will be returned to the authors
Designation and submission of papers
Papers should be submitted by E-mail as attached files to the e-mail address: cimee16@ul.edu.lb not later than by October 05, 2020. EXTENDED to 15 October 2020
Please prepare your papers according to the instructions, and submit them before the deadline.
Papers with a positive review will be published in the partner journals if the registration fee is paid (per paper).
We thank all authors for their cooperation
Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to invite you to the Conference “Third International Symposium CIMEE20”
Innovative chemistry and sustainable chemistry may apply to several areas of environmental, electrochemistry and analytical Chemistry. Development of ecofriendly sustainable substances, pollution prevention and the remediation are the main concept of the Symposium.
The conference will bring together international and national representatives of universities, environmental chemistry research to explore and discuss opportunities related to innovation in chemistry and provides a sustainable solution to the environment.
More specifically, it will look at potential solutions to the environment along the value chain from advanced materials, electrochemical processes to analytical methods. The conference will also identify how the materials sciences, electrochemistry, geochemistry, can be best supported to meet the challenge of the pollution to all compartments of the environment and monitoring of emergent pollutants
A high-level expert from the Middle east, North Africa and Europe will open the conference. Regular/special sessions are informed by a series of keynote speakers, including high-level representatives from the world
An important goal of this conference is to provide networking opportunities and foster debate among up to 100 participants. The discussion will be very enriching from the submission of abstracts from over 27 countries around the world!
This Interactive exchange will take place in working groups covering the following Symposium topics:
And Special sessions/workshops:
W1. Innovative Materials: Applications for Environmental Remediation
W2.Electrochemistry: Towards sustainability in environmental remediation
W3.BioGeoChemistry for Environmental Sustainability
Workshops admission. We very much hope that you are interested in participating in an international and multidisciplinary conference. For registration to the conference, please fill in and submit the Free online Event registration Form before 10 September 2020. You will receive a confirmation within a few days of your registration.
We wish you all good health and we look forward to seeing you all soon.
Organizing Committee chairs
Click here to download Registration form for online conference participants
Speaker and presentation Guidelines
The following guidelines have been developed to assist speakers with preparing their presentations
Speaker Responsibilities
Prior to Conference
- Confirm presentation date and time by sending the Registration form for online conference participants. Download at http://cimee-science.org/index.php/for-authors/ .The speaker will receive an email confirming the registration.
- Submit final PPT presentation no later than Monday 14 September 2020
Your presentation description must be posted by email at : cimee16@ul.edu.lb . Please be sure that your presentation description is clear, concise, and accurate (20 – 25 slides).
- Each presentation should remain within the allotted time for questions/answers. (10+5 min for oral presentation) It is critical to stay on schedule so as not to disrupt the planning of the sessions and the scientific program..
The conference will include virtual attendees so please be sure to speak clearly into the microphone and repeat any questions that are asked in the room to ensure that all participants can follow the discussion