Committees |
Organizers |
Themes &Topics |
Scientific Program |
Sessions Types |
Plenary/Keynote Speakers |
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Honor Committee
Pr. Fawaz El Omar, Dean of the Doctoral School for Sciences and Technology, Lebanese University, Lebanon
Pr. Mustafa Soylak, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Chemistry, Erciyes University, Kayseri, Turkey
Chair : Dr. Ahmad ElMoll, Faculty of public Health, DSST, Lebanese University, Lebanon
Co-Chairs : Dr. Konstantinos V. Plakas, Centre for Research and Technology-Hellas, CERTH, CPERI, Greece
Pr. Rachid Salghi, Laboratory of Applied Chemistry and Environment, ENSA, University Ibn Zohr, Agadir, Morocco
Scientific Committee Chairs
Pr. Slim Abdelkafi, Director of National School of Engineers of Sfax, ENIS, University of Sfax, Tunisia
Dr. Mirela Suchea, Center of Materials Technology and Photonics (CEMATEP), Hellenic Mediterranean University, Heraklion, Crete, Greece
Scientific Committee
Pr. Giusy Lofrano, Department of Chemistry and Biology, DCB, Università degli Studi di Salerno, UNISA, Italy
Pr. K. Besbes, General Director of Centre for Research on Microelectronics and Nanotechnology, Sousse Technopole, Tunisia
Pr. Digambara Patra , Department of Chemistry, American University of Beirut, Lebanon
Pr. Hani ElMoll, Faculty of sciences, Department of Chemistry, University of Hail, KSA
Dr. Merve Keskin, Vocational School of Health Services, Bilecik Seyh Edebali University, Bilecik, Turkey
Dr. Halim Hammi, LVMU, National Center for Research in Materials Sciences, Sousse, Tunisia
Pr. Julia -Nerantzia Tzortzi, Depart. of Architecture, Built Env. and Construction Engineering, Polytechnico di Milano, Italy
Dr. Mehmet Gumustas, Ankara University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Analytical Chemistry, Tandogan, Turkey
Pr. Mounir Ben Ali, Director of Higher Institute of Applied Science & Technology of Sousse, ISSAT, Ibn Khaldoun, Tunisia
Dr. Kamala Badalova, Department of General and Toxicological Chemistry, Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku, Azerbaijan
Dr. Sema Bagdat, Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science and Arts, Balıkesir University, Balikesir, Turkey
Pr. Hossain El Ouarghi, Head of research team (Water & Env. Management),Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Morocco
Dr. Haifa Boussiga, URGAMM, Faculty of Sciences of Tunis, University of Tunis El Manar, Tunis, Tunisia
Dr. Evroula Hapeshi, Department of Life & Health Sciences, University of Nicosia, Nicosia, Cyprus
Dr. Olfa Mahjoub, National Research Institute for Rural Engineering, Water, and Forestry, INRGREF, Tunisia
Dr. Denia kolokotsa, Lab Head, EMBER, Depart. of Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Crete, Chaniá, Greece
Pr. Shehdeh Jodeh, Department of Chemistry, An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestinian Territory
Dr. Asma Hammami, Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, University of Tunis El Manar, Tunis, Tunisia
Dr. Eleni G. Papazoglu, Agricultural University of Athens, Faculty of Crop Science, Athens, Greece
Dr. Olivier Fontaine, ICGM, Vice-president subdivision analytical chemistry of SCF, University of Montpellier, France
Dr. K. M Kasiotis, Laboratory of Pesticides Toxicology, Benaki Phytopathological Institute, Greece
Dr. Nesrine Boujelben, Georesources and Environment Department, National School of Engineers of Sfax, ENIS, Tunisia
Pr. Najoua Labjar, CERNE2D, ENSET, Mohamed V University, Rabat, Morocco
Dr. Agnieszka Popenda, Czestochowa University of Technology, Department of Chemistry, Częstochowa, Poland
Pr. Kledi Xhaxhiu, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Tirana, Albania
Dr. Ajeet Kaushik, Department of Natural Sciences, Florida Polytechnic University, Lakeland, USA
Pr. Farag Malhat, Central Agricultural Pesticide, Laboratory, Agricultural Research Center, Dokki, Giza, Egypt
Dr. Richa Soni, NPDF, Indian Institute of Technology, IIT MANDI, India
Technical Program Committee Chairs
Pr. Kamel Ouari, Electrochemistry, Molecular Engineering and Redox catalysis Laboratory, University of Ferhat Abbas, Algeria
Dr. Oksana Dudarko, Department of Surface Chemistry of Hybrid Materials, Chuiko Institute of Surface Chemistry, Ukraine
Technical Program Committee
Dr. Aleksandra Cvetanović, Faculty of Technology, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Pr. Maria Helena Godinho, Lab. Head, CENIMAT, Soft & biofunctional materials group, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Dr. Manuel Algarra, Department of inorganic Chemistry, University of Malaga, Malaga, Spain.
Dr. Moufida Merzougui, Department of Processes Engineering, Ferhat Abbas University of Setif -1, Algeria
Dr. Nandita Dasgupta, Department of Biotechnology, Institute of Engineering and Technology, Lucknow, India
Dr. I. A. Katsoyiannis, Laboratory of Chemical &. Environmental Technology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Pr. Shimaa M. El Saeed, Petroleum Applications Department, EPRI, Cairo, Egypt
Dr. Andriana R.Surleva, Department of Analytical Chemistry, UCTM, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Advisory & Review Committee
Dr. Didier Hauchard, Institute of Chemical Sciences of Rennes, CNRS, High National School of Chemistry, Rennes, France
Pr. Mehmet Emin Aydin, Lab Head, Dean of Faculty of Science, Necmettin Erbakan University, Turkey
Pr. Ajay Kumar Mishra, Department of Applied Chemistry, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
Dr. Mirela Suchea, IMT-Bucharest, National Institute for R&D in Microtechnologies, Bucharest, Romania
Pr. Paul S Weiss, California NanoSystems Institute, University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Dr. Shivendu Ranjan, SIDBI Center, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India
Pr. Muhammad Akhyar Farrukh, Depart. of Chemistry, Forman Christian College (A Chartered University), Lahore, Pakistan
Publications Committee
Pr. Babak Minofar, Head of the Center for Nanobiology and Structural Biology, Institute of Microbiology, Czech Republic
Pr. Carlo Ingrao, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Kore University of Enna, Italy
Pr. Irini Angelidaki, Technical University of Denmark, DTU · Department of Environmental Engineering, Denmark
Pr. Anton Ficai, Lab Head, Faculty of Applied Chemistry and Materials Science, Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Romania
Pr. Aziz Amine, Department of engineering and processes of Environment, FST, University Hassan II, Morocco
Pr. N Balasubramanian, Department of Chemical Engineering, A.C. Tech. Campus Anna University, Chennai, India
Dr. Nupur Saxen, Department of Physics and Astronomical Sciences, Central University of Jammu, Jammu, India
Pr. Purushottam Chakraborty, Surface Physics and Material Science Division, SINP, Kolkata, India
Organizers & Symposium Partners
Faculty of Public Health, FPH, DSST, Lebanese University
Symposium Partners
• Laboratory of Applied Chemistry & Environment, National School of Applied Sciences, ENSA, University of Ibn Zohr, Agadir, Morocco
• Laboratory of Electrochemistry, Molecular Engineering and Redox Catalysis, Faculty of Technology, University of F. Abbas Sétif-1, Algeria
• Laboratory of Environmental Engineering and EcoTechnology, National School of Engineering of Sfax, ENIS, University of Sfax, Tunisia
With the support of Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie, AUF
Themes & Topics
CIMEE is a biannual International Symposium, supported by the Lebanese University and attended by scientists from all over the world.
You are kindly invited to communicate the latest results of your scientific research in one of the CIMEE topics:
T 1. MATERIALS & THE ENVIRONMENT1.1. Nanomaterials, Nanostructures & Environment.1.2. Advanced materials & Electrospun nanofibers1.3. Materials sciences & environment management (water, wastewater)T 2. ELECTROCHEMISTRY & ENVIRONMENT2.1. Electrochemistry for the Environment2.2. Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry (Sensors/biosensors)2.3. Organic electrochemistry & Bioelectrochemistry |
T 3. STRUCTURAL, ANALYTICAL & PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY3.1. Physico -Chemical analysis and Environment3.2. Air quality, Pesticides & environmental monitoring,3.3. Bioremediation & Phytoremediation of Pollutants.T 4. AGRO GEOENVIRONMENT & AGROCHEMISTRY4.1. AgroGeoenvironment & Geomaterials4.2. Biomaterials, Waste & biomass valorization4.3 Agro-materials, & Environmental geochemistry |
Scientific Programme
This symposium will be broken down into a three days program on 17-19 September 2020. Each of the three days of the symposium will consist of a mixture of the following types of sessions.
Scientific program includes: Plenary Lectures (PL, 35 min including discussion), Keynote Lectures (KL, 25 min including discussion), Oral Communications (OC, 15 min including discussion), Oral Poster Presentations (OPP, 5 min with discussion), and Poster Presentations (PP).
Sessions Types
Submissions abstracts for the CIMEE20 sessions can be made according to the below principles and format:
Plenary sessions
The plenary sessions are the most prestigious sessions of the congress. These are exhaustive reviews of major subjects and state of the art techniques within the specialty, addressed to all participants. Speakers in plenary sessions are invited and are among the most renowned in their field of expertise (head lab, specialists and research directors).
Plenary sessions are scheduled at “prime time” in the programme, unopposed to other activities in order to achieve maximal attendance
Special sessions
Special sessions are 60-minute lunchtime sessions and feature presentations by some of the world’s key leaders in research and implementation, high-level leaders from the scientist sphere, head lab. These sessions represent key moments during the conference and provide an opportunity for high-level speakers to give total insights into the environmental remediation and their field of work.
Oral Communications
Participants are welcome to submit abstracts for oral presentations. The length of oral presentations can vary between 10 and 15 minutes, depending on the acceptance type and each session has a chair. However, if the submitted abstract cannot be thematically organized into an oral session, it will instead be considered for a poster (only) presentation (see below).
Oral-poster Presentations
Participants are welcome to submit abstracts for oral-posters, that is, posters in conjunction with a brief oral presentation. The posters will be on display for a full day, and the author will also briefly present (max 5 minutes) the content in an oral poster session, using max 2 slides. However, if the abstract cannot be thematically organized into an oral-poster session, it will instead be considered for a poster (only) presentation (see below).
Poster Presentations (only)
Participants are welcome to submit abstracts for poster presentations. Posters will be on display for a full day. All submissions are, independent of format, subjected to a peer-review process to secure high quality.
The workshops are designed by the Advisory Committee and selected facilitators. Workshops cover all tracks and include several cross-cutting issues and themes. Workshops are sessions in which the speakers are expected to share with the audience their personal experience in a field, either experimental or basic. These sessions are addressed to participants who wish to acquire practical knowledge on a specific subject, and therefore an interactive discussion during or at the end of the workshop is expected.
Important Dates
Please ensure your submission meets the conference’s strict guidelines for accepting scholarly papers. Download the template abstract and abstract submission form.
Call for Abstracts opens March 2019
Call for Abstracts deadline March 2020, Extended to 31 August 2020
Authors notified of results June 2020
Presenter/Early bird registration deadline August 2020
Conference 17 – 19 September 2020
Plenary/Keynote Speakers
List of plenary/Keynote Speakers (Not definitely list) .
![]() Aleksandra Cvetanović
Babak Minofar
![]() Ahmad ElMoll
![]() Carlo Ingrao
Shehdeh Jodeh,
Kamel Ouari
Merve Keskin
Digambara Patra
Giusy Lofrano
Sema Bagdat
Ajay Kumar Mishra
Muhammad Akhyar Farrukh
Konstantinos Vasilios Plakas
Paul S. Weiss
Julia – Nerantzia Tzortzi (Georgi)
Olivier Fontaine
Evroula Hapeshi
Kamel Besbes,
Didier Hauchard
Denia Kolokotsa
Welcome to the International Workshop entitled Innovative Materials: Applications for Environmental Remediation
The workshop will take place on 17-19 September 2020 and it will be online Conference. It is structured in five sessions of presentations, each followed by a dedicated breakout session and round table. The speakers were asked to be online and ready to present on the video-conferencing software at the start of the conference.
3rd INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM CIMEE20, Call for abstracts, Workshops, Special sessions
The conference is aimed to disseminate the results of research from universities, research centers, and government boards and bring synergy between research and industry. In the spirit of Materials chemistry, electrochemistry and Environmental analytical chemistry for a sustainable and brighter future, the conference will provide the opportunity for more environmental and efficient technology in the field of chemistry, chemical process and engineering. Deadline for abstract submission: August 31, 2020
Welcome to the 3rd International Symposium CIMEE20:
Workshop 3: Biogeochemistry for Environmental Sustainability
An understanding of biogeochemical redox processes is crucial for predicting and protecting environmental health and can provide new opportunities for engineered remediation strategies.
This workshop will focus on the importance of biogeochemistry in environmental chemistry as well as the role of remediation in sustainability. The workshop mainly discusses the Environmental monitoring, Remediation and Pollution Control of anthropogenic and pollutants across all environmental matrices (air, water, soil and sediment) using cutting-edge chemical technologies and tools.
Keywords: Environmental chemistry, Analytical chemistry, BioGeoChemistry, Geo-Environnement, Agrichemistry, Agri-Environment, Atmospheric chemistry,. HydroGeochemistry.