Wastewater treatment and water resources protection by adopting decentralized systems for its recycling and reuse.

Great pleasure to share with you the publication of the perspective article : Eco-innovative technology for wastewater treatment and reuse in MENA region: Case of Lebanon; in Frontiers in Sustainability Journal (High IF journal). The content of this paper has been presented at the 3rd International Conference Strategies toward Green Deal Implementation Water, Raw Materials & Energy, 5-7 December 2022. Session theme: Water in the circular economy, water reuse
I am pleased to announce that our paper on ” Eco-innovative technology for wastewater treatment and reuse in MENA region ” has been published in Frontiers in Sustainability Journal (High IF journal). and is now accessible online:
To view the online publication, please click here:

We are pleased to announce our newest chapter reviewed and will be published SOON by Elsevier: Chapter 24: Water and climate change in the regional, national and international perspective
in the book: Sustainable and Circular Management of Resources and Waste Towards a Green Deal
We would like to say thanks for our colleagues M.N.V. Prasad and Marzena Smol. Happy to work with you and look forward to further collaboration in the future. https://www.elsevier.com/books/sustainable-and-circular-management-of-resources-and-waste-towards-a-green-deal/prasad/978-0-323-95278-1

Dear Colleagues,
To enhance the Technical Program and focus on specific topics and areas, CIMEE 22 Symposium will include Special Sessions, in addition to regular ones. The CIMEE 22 organizers cordially invite you to send a proposal within a general scope of the Symposium.
CIMEE22 is seeking original high quality Special Session on focused discussion addressing innovative research highlighting significant topics and emerging issues, which are related to the conference theme and with the desired expertise. Interdisciplinary session themes are strongly sought after. Each special session resembles a mini-conference within the main CIMEE22 meeting that will run throughout the conference in parallel to other tracks (except the keynote presentations).
The main objective of this special session is to present the state of the art of R&D in the field of Materials, Electrochemistry and Environment including environmental geochemistry, Agricultural Chemistry and biomaterials/bioenergy
The Special session submission template that can be download HERE
How to Submit a Proposal
Prospective organizers of Special Sessions are invited to submit proposals with the following information:
• A title for the Special Session and the names of the organizers.
• A brief description of the session (max 250 words), indicating the novelty and the importance of the topic.
• Short biographies of the Special Session organizer(s) and their contact information.
• List of five (5) invited papers (including titles, authors, contact information of the corresponding author, and a short abstract). Note: individual organizers should not be named on more than one paper.
• Proposals will be evaluated based on the timeliness of the topic as well as the track record of the organizers and the anticipated quality of papers in the proposed session.
• The papers in each accepted Special Session should be submitted in the same format as regular papers.
• All contributed papers will undergo a review process, similar to that for regular papers, but coordinated by the Special Session organizers.
Proposal submission (in pdf format) and inquiries related to special sessions should be sent via email to special session chairs at cimee16@ul.edu.lb

Opening Ceremony

- Click here Downlead the video of the CRMN Presentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2ofibs8rx4

The New regional director of AUF in the Middle East, Jean-Noël Baléo, (PhD in Materials Science and Engineering from the Ecole des Mines de Paris and HDR at the University of Nantes.) gave a speech via video conference and talked about the new challenges of universities in the Middle East related to education and research through the use of digital tools and the importance of developing a coherent partnership policy between universities and the socio-professional world in addition to developing expertise and capabilities Innovation. The regional director insisted during his speech on strengthening, exchanges and interaction between the regional management and university establishments, and consolidating its institutional partnerships in the service of ambitious projects.

Dr. Hiba Mawlawi delivered the speech of the Dean of the Faculty of Public Health, Professor Hasna Bou Haroun, in which she focused on the importance of addressing the growing environmental problems in the world, and providing a safe and healthy environment through rationalizing consumption and preserving natural and environmental resources for future generations.

Dr. Mohamad Fadel Al-Tabche, Director of the Faculty of Sciences, Section 3, delivered a speech by the President of the Lebanese University and the Dean of the Doctoral School for science and technology, talking about the importance of this conference and its role in building a solid foundation for the existing research facilities at the university and highlighting the opportunities available to researchers at the Lebanese University and other universities so that Lebanon can take a pioneering role in the field Chemical sciences and environmental sciences, and he hoped that the fourth conference would be held in presence and in better conditions

A little word of APPRECIATION. We would like to properly thank the AUF, it is really important to remember those who are fighting for with us to make this event a success. Thanks to Dr. Imad Kassaa the director of CNF Tripoli for the technical support

Our sincere APPRECIATION for the presenter of this event Dr. Fatima Yahya, Member of Scientific Committee

Opening Keynote Session

CIMEE20 Opening Keynote session