On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we are honored and delighted to welcome you to the 5th Edition of the International Symposium, CIMEE’23

Full paper submission (Conference Full paper template)
The full paper submission is OPTIONAL and it will be available after the approval of your abstract. At this case, our full paper template must be used. (Available)
The papers must be submitted via email at cimee16@ul.edu.lb, as Word files (.doc or .docx). The paper should not exceed six (6) pages in total.
Full paper submission deadline is on September 30, 2023.
After the completion of the conference, all abstracts/full papers will be published in the CIMEE 2023 Conference Proceedings

The scientific program will include plenary, keynote lectures, oral communications by researchers, poster contributions and special sessions. View the scientific programme

Besides Regular Sessions the Conference Program will include some Special Sessions on specific topics selected by the organizers or recommended by the advisory and review committee
Authors interested in having their abstract(s) considered for inclusion in any of these Special Sessions should mark it during the submission process
Special sessions are organized by renowned scientists in their respective fields. Papers submitted to these sessions are reviewed according to the same rules as any other submission. Authors who submit papers to one of these sessions are invited to mention it on the author submission form; submissions to the special sessions must follow the same format, instructions and deadlines as any other submission, and must be sent according to the same procedure.
The official Book of Abstracts of CIMEE23 conference is available here for downloading:
The Scientific Symposium Committee welcomes the submission of abstracts for the CIMEE23

Dear Colleagues, We are very pleased to share the launching of a special issue on “Bioenergy, Bioresource Technology & Environmental Sustainability ” in Energy Nexus, a journal of Elsevier.
This special issue is dedicated to taking stock of technological advances and innovations in bioenergy and bioresources that can greatly facilitate the transition to a cleaner future and a more sustainable environment. There are many technical challenges to achieving these expectations.
Website: Call for papers – Energy Nexus | ScienceDirect.com by Elsevier
Every quality work is encouraged for submission and please free to approach me in case of any queries.
Best regards

Full papers are encouraged for submission (Extended to 30 November 2023) to CIMEE’23 of the following Journal
Partner Journals
Chemistry Africa, Springer, https://www.springer.com/journal/42250
Algerian Journal of Biosciences, http://journal.univ-eloued.dz/index.php/ajb/index
Energy Nexus, Elsevier, https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/energy-nexus
Journal of Natural Sciences and Technologies NaSTec, https://journalofnastech.com/index.php/pub

BECOMING A REVIEWER. If you are a scholar with expertise in the field of Materials Chemistry, electrochemistry and environmental analytical chemistry, we would be delighted to consider you for our reviewer pool. By serving as a reviewer, you will have the opportunity to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in your field, and to help ensure that high-quality research is disseminated to the wider community.
The roles and responsibilities of a reviewer for CIMEE include:
- Providing constructive and detailed feedback on the scientific and technical quality of the submitted manuscripts,
- Providing recommendations to the editors regarding the suitability of the manuscript for publication in CIMEE,
- Maintaining confidentiality and anonymity of the review process,
- Responding to review requests in a timely manner,
If you are interested in becoming a reviewer for CIMEE group, please email an up-to-date CV or résumé and a completed reviewer application form and send it by email to the cimee16@ul.edu.lb to be considered for the position.